
Do-it-yourself nut milk

Good morning out there!

Today I want to share with you my favourite recipe for homemade nut milk. Although I am not vegan and consume cheese, yoghurt etc., I am definitely not a huge fan of dairy products. I don’t want to explain this in detail right now, but you can inform yourself by e.g. reading the China Study or on several vegan homepages on the internet (always check the source and how reliable it is).

What I really dislike is the taste of milk especially in my breakfast oat meal/cereals. Of course there are many alternatives you can buy in any supermarket e.g. soy milk, oat milk, rice milk, but most of them contain artificial flavors, fillers, salt and preservatives.

And for this reason I try to make my own non-dairy milk as often as I can. Sometimes I just don’t have any time for that and like to enjoy “rice-coconut milk” by Provamel.

So let’s come to the recipe, you can exchange the cashews also for almonds, oats, hemp, coconut etc.

Cashew milk


- 1 cup cashews
- 2 cups of water
- vanilla, cinnamon
- 4 medjool pitted dates
- mixer (I use a “Stabmixer”)
- a nutbag, cheesecloth or “Wäschenetz”


  1. Some people have problems with digesting raw nuts, so if you count to one of those let your nuts soak about 2 hours and remove the water after that time. I use them raw without soaking.

  2.  Put your nuts, dates and fresh water in your mixer and mix until you have a white liquid.

  3.  Pour the milk through a nutbag or cheesecloth or something like that to remove the nut left-overs otherwise you will have some small nut pieces in your milk.

  4.  Flavor with vanilla powder and cinnamon as much as you like. You can also add a Chai spice blend if you want more “oriental” taste.

  5.  Store in a glass bottle in the fridge up to 3-4 days.

Maybe you have to get used to the taste as it differs a lot from dairy milk. But you can make anything out of your selfmade nutmilk e.g. mango smoothies, banana shakes… Just explore what you like and what kind of taste you like the most.

Last tip from me: If you want to make your own milk regularly I recommend buying a gadget called Veggiefino. You don’t have to pour your milk through a nutbag/cheesecloth, because the net is already built in and that makes it more practical.

Have a nice day and let’s drink some cashew milk :D

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